Shanie Cooper is an extraordinary designer. She worked with me on the cover and interior designs for my recently published book A Path to Jewish Survival. She worked quickly and carefully, taking my ideas for cover art and bringing them to reality in four optional images from which I chose the actual cover art. She made it clear from the start that she would rather that I reject a design than try to make it work, only to begin over because I wasn’t honest with her upfront. One I agreed to an image, she edited it a make a subtle change that helped it better project the book’s title. She did it quickly and, as a result, we were done with the cover design in a short period of time. I then trusted her to design the interior of the book without my guidance. She made tentative style decisions, and I approved all of them. In a few cases, she asked me questions relating to footnote vs. endnote numbering and location. After that, she finished the work with little guidance.
My original plan was just to produce a paperback edition. Shanie convinced me to also release hardcover and ebook editions. I am a completely satisfied customer, and I enthusiastically recommend Shanie to any author or publisher. Simply put: She is the best!
Learn everything you need to know about hiring and working with illustrators for your next book.